Hey Everybody We're All Gonna Get Laid Vintage T Shirt

It I definitelyencourage you to check it out if youhappen to be in the Los Angeles areaalright Sean I think that’s all I havefor now what we’ll we’ll move on to thislive version of the minimalist podcastin Pittsburgh I know I really enjoyedthis and I hope you do toowell hello everybody my name is Joshuafields Millburn and I am Ryan Nicodemusand together we are the minimalist andwe are live in Pittsburgh helloPittsburghy’all are awesome thank you so muchso we have a Hey Everybody We're All Gonna Get Laid Vintage T Shirt microphone set up hereusually what we do is we take phonecalls but you don’t need to call usright now because we’re all here in thesame room right and so if you’reanywhere even way in the back you’rewelcome to come on up here ask yourquestions we’ll get through as many aswe can we we tend to pontificate alittle bit so you can come up here askyour questions and eventually we’ll tryto get to a lightening round as wellsomeone has to break the ice yetthe microphones right here in case therewe go all right my name is AngieGonzalez thank you welcome to Pittsburghthank. Amicrosoft excel spreadsheet is projectedonto an oversized canvas pulled from theceiling at the front of the room thecanvas is flimsy flimsy and cracked andis the shade of off white that suggestsit’s a relic from a time when employeeswere allowed to smoke indoors the restof the room is aggressively white thewalls are white the ceiling is white thepeople are white as if all cut from thesame materials well everyone except Stanseated at the back of the roomCincinnati’s population is forty fivepercent black but stan is part of ourcompany’s single digit percentage hiscomments though rarely solicited byexecutives are often dismissed with anod and a pain smile although he’s thesize of an NFL linebacker stan is aparagon of kindness but that doesn’tstop me from secretly hoping that oneday he’ll get set up with thepatronizing grins and make it his dutyto reformat one of the bosses fish eyedfaces of course Stanwood and now we’reback to the the text here back to theessay of course Stan wouldn’t havetouched a hair on any of. Your documentary and I went crazyand sold and threw away things and myfamily got scaredisn’t that the weird thing like so ifyou start getting rid of stuff it’s likeoh __ he’s gonna kill himselfyeah they were like what are you gonnaeat on or sit on or anything anyways myquestion is basically just about likedigital clutter and two examples wouldbe in this kind of new era of streaminglike prior to five years ago I have youknow 100 gigabytes of music you knowalbums and now also pictures so I thinklike all right Spotify right now I justlisten to it all the time but I got oldsell their music that I haven’t Spotifygonna exist forever like what if theinternet shuts down like you know like Ican listen to it and then pictures I’mlike well do I just keep like dumpingthese pictures onto my computer or do Ijust upload it onto Instagram foreverand then I have it there and I was likefighting I’m like man my brain is likecaught between keeping digital stuff orlike keeping it over here and I don’tthoughts on digital clutter there

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My 20s pursuing the theso called American Dream usually in ourpodcast we record a Hey Everybody We're All Gonna Get Laid Vintage T Shirt added value segmentpodcast we record a added value segmenttoward the end of the podcast becausewe’re doing these live events we’re notdoing the added value segment at thevery end but I wanted to give you just alittle bit of added value this week Imean lostAngeles right now oh by the way thereason I’m in Los Angeles is Ryan and Ihad a couple of really strong interviewsgreat conversations with some folkswhile we were here we as soon as welanded here in Los Angeles we drove outto Topanga Canyon and met with dr Christopher Ryan you might know himbecause he wrote a book called sex atdawn and he has a great podcast calledtangentially speaking in the way herecords it he recorded his home in thecanyons sort of in the middle of nowherethere’s no there’s no cell phone serviceand it’s just out in nature so when youlisten to our conversation we had withhim we’ll put a link to that and theshow notes by the way if you listen tothis conversation. Ryan we learned whatand that eventually made it into ourbook everything that remains it becausewe would tell go out on the road and sojust start talking to people all thesestories and the things that reallyresonated like the packing party or mymother is dealing with her sentimentalitems for me at first those were justsort of afterthought so that’s in thepast let’s just talk aboutintentionality let’s talk aboutdecluttering or whatever but it will isdecluttering or whatever but it will isknow was like these are true storiesthat people resonateand so a lot of those stories made itinto everything that remains and Iwouldn’t have known that had we not goneout on those tours tour stops with twoto twelve people showing up and allowedus to have deeper conversations andthat’s why in fact with all these eventswe’re doing the VIP events beforehandwe’re just a few dozen people will havewill have access to those people and wecan have more intimate conversationswith them as opposed to doing so I’llgive you an example let’s say. Talk in the EdmontonMall which is like the largest mall inNorth America and people were like onyou know on Twitter and email like youguys are hypocrites I can’t believe goto the mall to give a talk and I’m likedude where do you want us to go to likemonastery like a monks monastery likewe’re gonna they’re gonna put us toshame like we’re not you know we’d bepreaching to the choir like work we’rebetter to go then in the belly of thebeast you know so it was great we had anawesome turnout and yeah it was a greatevent but I’m not I’m not opposed to tomalls I mean I think we have way toomany I mean that case in point is therethey’re gonna shut down a ton of mallsover the next couple years I don’t knowif you guys have read that article ornot but um but yeah it’s uh it’sdefinitely definitely something that Iavoid as much as I can but sometimes youknow you can we can stay warm in Chicagofor two blocks walking through Lee ohyeah yet another question was well youguys are influencing a lot of peoplewith what you’re doing who
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